Tuesday, May 13, 2008

fabulous fundraiser!

As you may know, before I started Travelbark, I was a high school English teacher.

I taught various levels of English classes to students at The Vanguard School located in Lake Wales, FL and now I am very excited to be partnering with them in order to provide accommodations to families attending graduation.

Below is a not-so-fabulous image of the flyer that has been added to our website:

I suggest you go to the website and check it out there!
happy day and happy travels!

Monday, May 5, 2008

beware of pickpockets and loose women

I have never been very sophisticated when it comes to selecting a vacation destination!

Generally, I see something I like or want to see for myself and then plan a trip around that.

The Lady & Sons

My first trip to Savannah Georgia was as sporadic as it gets. I was having a lazy day and watching the Food Network when I heard Paula Deen talking about her restaurant on her show. That is when I decided that I needed to go to The Lady & Sons and explore Savannah, so the next weekend Mike and I packed up the Jeep and went on an adventure!

Savannah is pretty amazing! The food is great, the landscape is great, the historical attributes are great, the people are great...Savannah is just GREAT!!

Mike and I arrived in Savannah on Friday night and left on Sunday morning so we tried to squeeze as much as we could into the weekend!

We stayed downtown Savannah which is ideal because parking and driving can get a bit crazy with all of the trolley, walking and horse and carriage tours that are going on.

Historic Savannah

After we unloaded we wandered the streets for something to eat and ended up at B&D Burger, a quaint place with American fare perfect for two people who look like they have just had a long car ride!

After dinner we walked back to our hotel to get some rest for a busy Saturday!

Saturday morning we got up and had breakfast where we were staying. While in the dining room we chatted with other guests, who had been to Savannah before, about what we had to do while we were there!

Next we waited in line at The Lady & Sons to make a reservation. Yes, we had to wait in line just to make the reservation! (More on this later)

We spent most of the day taking the trolley tour where we were free to get on and off as we pleased. There are 21 squares in Savannah and the trolley tour takes you around each one explaining its historical significance and the buildings that surround them. Savannah has been a part of many movies, including Forrest Gump and Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. Savannah is also the birth place of Juliette Gordon Lowe.

In addition to the trolley tour there are ghost tours that range from being child oriented to pubcrawl style. Later on Saturday evening we took a horse and carriage ride through Savannah to catch anything we may have missed during the day.

On Saturday afternoon we got back in line at The Lady & Sons in order to get a table. The lines we waited in at the beginning of the day guaranteed us a table at some point in the night and the second wait was to be there around the time we intended to eat. Obviously eating at The Lady & Sons requires a lot of waiting but Paula Deen's wedge salad was well worth it!

On Sunday we walked River Street and saw taffy being made at Savannah Candy Kitchen! We also walked through an open air market and all the little shops that overlook the Savannah River.

We ended our trip to Savannah with brunch at the Firefly Cafe Justin, the tour guide on our horse and carriage ride, recommended us to go there and it was AMAZING! So amazing that I took pictures of our plates. The plating was gorgeous and the flavor was even better. (If I can find the pics I will post later.)

The moral of this blog....Everyone MUST see Savannah!

Monday, April 14, 2008

homage to holland

I most definitely feel the need to highlight Holland now that Robin did not receive a rose on tonight's episode of the Bachelor. It might be the travel-enthusiast in me, but I was seriously anxious to see the adventures of Matt and Robin in a town I usually only go to for the Gap Outlet and the Tulip Time Festival!

So let's start with the Tulip Time Festival. Tulips are my favorite flower! I went back and forth on whether I should have a spring wedding in order to have THE BEST tulips or a fall wedding which is what I have always wanted. I decided on the fall wedding but I will probably try to sneak some tulips in there some where!

Tulip Time takes place in early May and provokes the streets of Holland to come out of hibernation. This year the festival is May 3-10 and the live concert series features local celebrities Pop Evil. The festival is a tribute to tulips and the Dutch with street performances by Klompen dancers, the Tulip Time Run, multiple parades and fireworks. I particularly like the arts and crafts festival because people are just so darn talented!

Since tulips only last for a brief moment of the year, you're probably wondering what else is in Holland. Well, CityFlats, one of the first certified "green" hotels in the United States has just opened and the resident restaurant has received fabulous inaugural reviews. I must also mention the local offerings situated on the quaint streets of downtown Holland...too many to list here but always exciting to explore.

A visit to Holland just wouldn't be complete without seeing the sun settle into Lake Michigan. Holland's beautiful beaches offer a perfect place for a picnic and blankets of sand to sink into while soaking up the sun.

What were you thinking, Matt? Holland is a great place to visit and I am sure Robin's parents are bloody lovely!

Monday, March 31, 2008

I (heart) New York

Last Friday I was planning on a quiet night at home with my fiance. We are both very busy and are rarely free at the same time so I figured we would make some delicious comfort food and watch a movie. Well neither of us felt like cooking, even though we both LOVE to cook, so we ordered some wings from BW3's and bought Dance, Dance Revolution for our Wii! The night wasn't as relaxing as I had hoped but it was way more fun than I anticipated!

The night totally reminded me of New York! Delicious buffalo wings and dancing are a fabulous combination and New York offers endless opportunities for both!

I thought I would end up in NYC at some point in my life because I have always considered myself a "city mouse living in a country house," but now that I have moved away from home once, I thinkI have decided this is where I belong and everywhere else will make amazing vacations!

(hearts for New York)

So here is my dream New York vacation..

A 3-night stay at the 5-star Waldorf Astoria Hotel December 30 - January 2
$1850 through travelbark.com

Two tickets to Live with Regis and Kelly

Dinner for two at Serendipity - For some reason John Cusak annoys me but I tend to enjoy every movie that he is in!

24 hour party in Times Square - *crossing my fingers* that Charmin Potty Palooza is there!

I figure I will be too tired to do too much while I am there but here are a few things I have never gotten to do on any of my New York adventures that I just must!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

easter egg hunts

Holidays are a time for nostalgia!

I really like Easter and everything that comes with it; espcially spring cleaning! I feel like it is that time of year when you get to start fresh and get a start on the projects you have conjured up all winter!

Next weekend we will finally be painting our master bedroom and putting out our spring/summer bedding! When we moved into our house in September we ran out of time before winter to get the entire place how we wanted it and now I am ready to start working again! (now that all the wallpaper is down!) My fiance gave me three sets of bedding for Christmas and I am excited to try another one out! I will post pictures in a few weeks.

This post is actually about a trip most of us have taken and that is the inevitably fun hunt for easter eggs! When I was young we spent Easters in Arkansas where my mom's family lived and an Easter celebration was complimented by fried catfish! There, in the heart of the bible belt, Easter was at least a week long celebration! We dyed eggs and prepared dishes to feed 3 times the people that would actually attend. I can remember running through rice fields in my Easter Sunday best trying to find the most eggs! I miss those days.

This year Easter has slipped through my fingers. Mike and I did not do baskets for each other and we didn't even dye easter eggs with the ultimate goal being egg salad sometime next week.

Next year I am going to make the conscious effort to take a trip hunting Easter eggs!

Happy Easter!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

a hotel for dani california

Hello all!

I am currently working on a few projects and wanted to let you all know about a ridculously-cute hotel I stumbled upon while working on packages for a client wishing to go to San Francisco!

I wasn't exactly sure what kind of place I would be getting with a name like "hotel diva" but I was intrigued by the pictures and then started to do some research!

This hotel is conveniently located within a short walk of Union Square and they offer COMPLIMENTARY LIMO SERVICE to the financial district which is where many of the top businesses in the U.S. have their headquarters.

Hotel Diva has a ton of fantastic packages ranging from kid-friendly to romance and raunch, everyone will be pampered there, even the pups!

The hotel has many lobbies designed by some of the worlds top designers and the decor is super sleek!

Hotel Diva is indeed where modern elegance meets high style!

**Package descriptions and many more pictures can be seen on the Hotel Diva website; I suggest you check it out!

Monday, March 17, 2008


First of all Happy St. Patrick's Day!

I feel the need to dedicate a blog to the Pirate's Dinner Adventure because I completely failed to mention it in my last post and it was my favorite part of the entire trip!

Before going to Florida two weeks ago, I had seen every other dinner show in Orlando except Pirates and that was because I was told that it wasn't very good. Who ever told me that was totally wrong...it is, by far, the best dinner show that Orlando has to offer! So good that I will give away two free adult tickets to the next person who books an Orlando vacation package with us, so they can enjoy Pirates too! Just mention this blog post when you contact us!
The Pirate Adventure begins an hour before the show with all-you-can-eat appetizers and some free entertainment. While waiting for dinner you can peruse the gift shop or visit any of the four bars located in the lobby.
Once you enter the lagoon where the pirate ship is located you'll be amazed by the talents of the pirates and forget you're there to eat! However, you can choose your main course (kid's meals and vegetarian options available) and the dinner is delicious, followed up by dessert and complimented with all you can drink beer and wine!
Pirate's Dinner Adventure is fun for all ages and offers many opportunities for audience participation aboard the ship and in the water!